Every day, millions of letters, essays, court documents, lesson plans, books, theses, CVs and more are created in MS Word. This word-processing program allows you to produce professional looking documents that are easy to edit, customize and share. Easy to learn for the creation of basic text documents, Microsoft Word allows you to type letters, essays, reports, transcripts, plays, poems, wills and whatever other documents you need for your professional, academic or personal life. Your next step is to take an advanced Word course so that you can upgrade your skills to do things like complex formatting, tracking multiple changes by different users, managing files efficiently and even automating repetitive tasks, which is very useful if you have to create large amounts of similar documents like invoices, contracts or rosters. No matter what career path you take, a solid grounding in Microsoft Word is essential. Even jobs that are more manual or artisanal – like construction or plumbing – will benefit if you are able to produce neat reports, documents and receipts for your clients. Affiliate Watch 24 has numerous free options for Microsoft Word courses, covering all versions of the program and all levels of users, from absolute beginners to advanced.